Our Commitment

As a firm, we are committed to the principles of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child

Article 31 and General Comment #17


All children have the right to play.

“Children’s play is any behavior, activity or process initiated, controlled and structured by children themselves.

Caregivers may contribute to the creation of environments in which play takes place, but play itself is non-compulsory, driven by intrinsic motivation and undertaken for its own sake, rather than as a means to an end.

Play involves the exercise of autonomy, physical and mental or emotional activity, and has the potential to take infinite forms, either in groups or alone. These forms will change and be adapted throughout the course of childhood.

The key characteristics of play are fun, uncertainty, challenge, flexibility and non-productivity.”

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Our job is to provide beautiful, safe, wonder-filled environments that allow children’s creativity, playfulness, and changing needs to be expressed, fulfilled, and lived.